\n With a focus on uniting developers around the country in a\n community where people can connect and keep on learning we are\n also investing in start-ups that help’s Romania digitalisations\n in education, health system & innovation.\n
\n \n\n We created an event named “Talks” with purpose to gather awesome\n people on a biweekly basis, to talk about what’s new or\n interesting in IT. The concept was started in February 2013, and\n since then, we couldn’t stop. Usually, there are two speakers\n per event who, for 30 minutes talk about their ideas, new gizmos\n or technologies, solutions for common yet difficult issues,\n followed by a short QA session.\n
\n \n\n We dedicated a Facebook group especially for “Talks”, where we\n announce the events, details about the speaker and their\n presentations. Also we are posting quality content and of course\n who want to publish interesting and helpful articles, news or\n things related with the IT field, is welcomed to do that if the\n posts are relevant for the community.\n
\n \nTalks by Softbinator
\n \n Join our Facebook Group\n \nSoftbinator Foundation
\n \n Subscribe to our videos\n \n\n After every event, we upload the talk on our{\" \"}\n YouTube channel, so you can watch it, even if\n you cannot attend the event in real time.\n
\n \n\n \"Talks by Softbinator\" events were initially organized in\n Bucharest and since 2019, have been extended to other cities\n like Brasov and Constanta. The Foundation has full rights over\n the \"Talks by Softbinator\" brand.\n
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