Be part of our developer community

If you found the community fun & engaging and feel that you would like to help it growth below you will find a few ways to do so. You can be a speaker in our next talk, donate or become a volunteer by bringing Talks by Softbinator in your city.

Make a donation

Bring your contribution and help us to continue our work, become sustainable and grow our community.

Softbinator Talks
Be a speaker

Are you an IT Specialist that has a lot to say? Are you working on something exciting and you want to share with your fellow programmers? Are you developing a start-up in the tech area and you want to promote it?

Contact us
Be a volunteer

We are present in Bucharest and Constanta. Be a pioneer and help us to organise and improve our events in your city. Bring developers together and create a community in your city that you can be proud of. Ready to be a volunteer?

Contact us